Time Annotation Layer
0:00 - 0:19 Answering to the questionnaire on Muslim Women of West Africa Participant 2
0:19 - 0:31 Ok so, are you"Muslim from birth or did you convert?" I was born into a Muslim family so I am a Muslim from birth. Participant 2
0:31 - 0:37 With regards to "Are you shia or sunni?" Participant 2
0:37 - 0:50 I don´t align myself to any of these. I´m just a a Muslim, so I wouldn´t, I don´t think I have a branch I align myself to. Participant 2

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IIIF manifest: https://EstrellaSC.github.io/STAMWWA/ghana-english-participant-2-audio-segment-0-13-0-50/manifest.json